Erectile dysfunction is a sexual dysfunction in men, a condition in which the penis cannot become erect or is not erect enough to perform intercourse.
This is not a dangerous disease that affects health or life, but it greatly affects the quality of life as well as the man’s courage and confidence.
Causes of erectile dysfunction
- Due to nervous tension, fatigue, stress
- Impaired concentration during sex
- Suffering from certain metabolic diseases: Hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes
- Endocrine disorders
- Using stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs…
- Using medications such as: antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants, some sedatives, diuretics…
- Disorders that reduce blood flow or cause damage to the nerves in the penis.
Symptoms of erectile dysfunction
- Absence or decreased sexual desire
- The penis can become erect but for a short time.
- The penis cannot be erect
- Penis is abnormally erect.
Harmful habits cause erectile dysfunction
Eat lots of processed foods . Canned processed foods often contain bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical that can disrupt the male sex hormone system. Therefore, eating too much processed food can cause erectile dysfunction.
Driving a motorbike for too long. Frequently traveling by motorbike (more than 3 consecutive hours/day) can cause erectile dysfunction. Because sitting on a hard chair in the same position can compress the perineum, the area between the anus and scrotum and the nerve artery pressure necessary to achieve normal sexual function.
Snoring also affects sex. The habit of snoring is also bad for sexual health and can cause erectile dysfunction. Because, snoring and apnea display a low flow of oxygen being delivered to the lungs. Meanwhile, oxygen is needed to achieve maximum erection.
Pelvic trauma. Injuries to the bone area have the risk of affecting the nerves in the arteries in this area, which can cause erectile dysfunction.
Side effects of drugs that cause erectile dysfunction . In the use of medication to treat the disease, some medications that can cause erectile dysfunction are: Diuretics and antihypertensive medications, antidepressants, anxiety and epilepsy medications, antihistamines, anti-epileptic medications. arrhythmias, histamine H2 receptor antagonists, and some special medications and chemotherapy drugs that negatively affect erectile function.
Doctor’s advice when suffering from erectile dysfunction
When you have erectile dysfunction, you should follow these principles:
- Proper nutrition helps improve blood circulation, increase the “sensitivity” of nerve cells, thereby improving erectile dysfunction and increasing the quality of sexual life.
- Increase healthy foods to improve overall health and improve blood circulation.
- Exercise like brisk walking, cycling, swimming.
- Getting enough sleep not only helps improve health but also effectively improves erectile dysfunction.
- Psychotherapy
- Sex therapy
- Reduce alcohol, beer, and cigarettes
If you have changed your lifestyle and diet but the disease still does not improve, men should quickly go to reputable medical facilities for examination and treatment.