13 side effects of daily masturbation in men
Masturbation is healthy, in moderation it is not harmful. However, daily and incorrect use can lead to potential side effects.
How is male menopause treated?
Andropause is an age-related condition that occurs due to testosterone deficiency in men. Lower production of the hormone testosterone is the main cause of menopause and its resulting health consequences. So how to deal with this situation?
How does obesity affect physiology in men?
Overweight and obesity in men not only affects overall health but also affects fertility and physiology.
Is frozen semen dangerous?
Condensed semen is a condition in which the ejaculated semen cannot liquefy but becomes thick. This condition is not good for conception and is a cause of male infertility.
Harmful habits make the “little guy” disobedient
Men have bad habits that affect their sex life, especially the problem of "top tells bottom not to listen" - erectile dysfunction.